
Showing posts from September, 2005

Re: OT : warner bros to cut off ITunes?

Message ID: 308257 Posted By: phandsvrta Posted On: 2005-09-30 18:32:00 Subject: Re: OT : warner bros to cut off ITunes? Recs: 1 I wonder how much the artists get... ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "phandsvrta" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

OT : warner bros to cut off ITunes?

Message ID: 308250 Posted By: phandsvrta Posted On: 2005-09-30 18:11:00 Subject: OT : warner bros to cut off ITunes? Recs: 2 These people are beyond belief - IPod and similar are probably the music industry's salvation, and they want to exert price control over that, too. What's after Apple? >> A Warner Music executive has threatened to cut off Apple if Steve Jobs continues to refuse to give ground on iTunes Music Store pricing. Digital strategy chief Michael Nash said during a discussion at a wireless telecoms conference that the music industry has let Apple get too much power in the digital downloads market. 'What if Jobs says 39 cents or 29 cents per download - what then?,' he said. 'The industry can say, OK we'll cut him off - very few people buy music from digital downloads.' He added that he is sure that the Apple CEO would find another way to sell iPods....

Re: Zen Stoopidity

Message ID: 305386 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-09-22 10:06:00 Subject: Re: Zen Stoopidity Recs: 16 Bob: While I appreciate you pointing out that Zen's assertion that "It doesn't have a thing to do with Groklaw and never did. Grokwar is about Bar and Ransom and *maybe* one or two other's god given right to decree what will and will not be discussed hereabouts" is in direct contradiction to his *many* other assertions to the contrary, including the article you mention, I feel compelled to tell you that: 1.) I am perfectly capable of defending myself (so is Bar, who wisely ignored the whole thing). 2.) I am used to this kind of stuff coming from certain quarters. SSDD 3.) Although I got drawn into it yesterday, I really couldn't give a fiddler's fart what Zen (or anyone else I don't personally know) thinks of me. Your post illustrates why. 4.) Despite the fact that I'm not likely to get invited to any Babylon5 weenie rost...

Re: Zen Stoopidity

Message ID: 305355 Posted By: saltydogmn Posted On: 2005-09-22 09:05:00 Subject: Re: Zen Stoopidity Recs: 2 "There you go again with Grokwars. You should have signed your comment with Boob instead of Bob!" Right you are, Mr. Fraud. *Everyone* likes boobs. -Bob S. (but not the Grokwar Bob) ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "saltydogmn" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Zen Stoopidity

Message ID: 305346 Posted By: biffs_english_teacher Posted On: 2005-09-22 08:47:00 Subject: Zen Stoopidity Recs: 11 Just noticed this, and couldn't help but point it out. Here is BGE propagandist/character assassin Colonel Zen trying to smear some good people with his usual bombastic self-serving lies: << It doesn't have a thing to do with Groklaw and never did. Grokwar is about Bar and Ransom and *maybe* one or two other's god given right to decree what will and will not be discussed hereabouts. -- TWZ>> 304770 A curious statement indeed, especially coming from the *same* self aggrandizing twit who wrote an article entitled 'A Brief History of GrokWar' (, an article that oddly mentions *neither Ransom or Bar*. Nor, for that matter, does it go into 'what will and will not be discussed hereabouts'. Guess Grokwar is about whatever Colonel Pez Dispenser needs it be, whene...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304850 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-09-20 22:38:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 6 << You can't have it both ways - on one hand you want to go about claiming to "never know" why, while you simultaneously categorically deny Bar being a reason. So which is it?>> Wow. Firstly where do I "categorically deny Bar being a reason"? I pointed out that he *retracted his request* (made as a mockery of similar ones being made of PJ) a mere *41 minutes* after posting it. Andy didn't change Yahouvre for days afterwards, with the *full knowledge that bar didn't care*. If, as you seem to want to characterize it, Andy *did* change his site because someone jokingly asked that he remove their posts, then retracted the request less than an hour later, then Andy is a *moron*, since there would be *no reason* to do anything. << My cronies? Who would that be, Mr Mitmosnar, JD?>> The rest of yo...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304835 Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on Posted On: 2005-09-20 22:07:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 4 << We will never know what compelled Andy, as he has never done anything but sit back and let bar take the heat.>> You can't have it both ways - on one hand you want to go about claiming to "never know" why, while you simultaneously categorically deny Bar being a reason. So which is it? << However, exposed as legally ignorant hyocrites, you and your cronies have expended a *lot* of energy trying to hang it on bar.>> My cronies? Who would that be, Mr Mitmosnar, JD? << I suppose this is because he disagreed with your various attacks on GL.>> You're still being evasive. You quote Bar telling Andy to change Yahouvre, yet you go about saying that either Bar had nothing to do with the change or that we'll never know. Let me know when you can at least be consistent. << We will ne...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304830 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-09-20 21:52:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 13 << Yeah, you're right. Bar had nothing to do with it. Andy was going to change Yahouvre anyway and Bar's post ordering Andy to change Yahouevre was merely a coincidence.>> Oh great. Now it's you with your single ham fisted tactic. Let's see how full of it you actually are: It starts with CKX 9739 at 01/03/05 02:30 pm. Annoyed at spurious legal arguments about GL and copyright, bar says "If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to honour the letter of the law, I have something for you to do. I want you to remove all my posts from your website. I want all indexing of my posts to stop on your website. I have never granted any permission to republish or allow indexing outside of Yahoo! of my posts to CKX or SCOX. Let me know when you can do that." That, in your words, is bar 'ordering' Andy to change Yah...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304798 Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on Posted On: 2005-09-20 20:18:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 1 << BET merely exposed the meme about bar being responsible for Andy's decision to change Yahouvre.>> Yeah, you're right. Bar had nothing to do with it. Andy was going to change Yahouvre anyway and Bar's post ordering Andy to change Yahouevre was merely a coincidence. << That's just more of your patented emphatic hand waving misdirection, garnished as usual with an ad hominem swipe at whoever you're trying to slime.>> Don't you think it would be wise to not use ad hominems yourself when you are criticizing others for using them? ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "span1sh1nqu1s1t1on" under the following license: License:  CC Attribu...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304780 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-09-20 19:35:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 12 << Grokwar is about Bar and Ransom and *maybe* one or two other's god given right to decree what will and will not be discussed hereabouts.>> Colonel: Leave me out of your cross-eyed attempts at misdirection, please. BET merely exposed the meme about bar being responsible for Andy's decision to change Yahouvre. A meme perpetrated by your little band. Sorry about the egg on your face, but I had nothing to do with it. As for Grokwar, you know what the issues are, and none of them concern "Bar and Ransom and *maybe* one or two other's god given right to decree what will and will not be discussed hereabouts." That's just more of your patented emphatic hand waving misdirection, garnished as usual with an ad hominem swipe at whoever you're trying to slime. In fact, I can't see how I drew your tepid ire...

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304770 Posted By: ColonelZen Posted On: 2005-09-20 19:10:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 13 It doesn't have a thing to do with Groklaw and never did. Grokwar is about Bar and Ransom and *maybe* one or two other's god given right to decree what will and will not be discussed hereabouts. -- TWZ ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "ColonelZen" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304754 Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on Posted On: 2005-09-20 18:23:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 2 Following the thread where BET is the one to bring up BGEs, Groklaw, etc...until BET flamed the thread, that's all it was about was Bar and Andy. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "span1sh1nqu1s1t1on" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304747 Posted By: nono2sco Posted On: 2005-09-20 18:10:00 Subject: Re: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 1 I thought this was all about Bar, Andy, Y! and Yahoeuvre, why is it turning into a Grokwar? ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "nono2sco" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304711 Posted By: biffs_english_teacher Posted On: 2005-09-20 17:12:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 6 << I'm curious why you're trying to start another grokwar, since you're the one who brought up BGEs, GL, etc. Are you bored or something?>> It started here: << I'm still pissed off that cdbaric caused Andy to stop Yahoeuvre from archiving posts. If he hadn't done that, we'd have a full, searchable archive on tap.>> 304510 So, following your typical lame attempt at misdirection, phandstra is "trying to start another grokwar". I won't get drawn into playing pong with you here. If you want to continue plying your one debating tactic, you'll have to take it to CKX. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "biffs_english_teac...

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304705 Posted By: span1sh1nqu1s1t1on Posted On: 2005-09-20 16:59:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 5 I'm curious why you're trying to start another grokwar, since you're the one who brought up BGEs, GL, etc. Are you bored or something? ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "span1sh1nqu1s1t1on" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro

Message ID: 304621 Posted By: al_petrofsky Posted On: 2005-09-20 14:48:00 Subject: Yahoeuvre history [Re: Oh, Jeffro Recs: 21 biffs_english_teacher: > What's hilarious is all the abuse and > half baked legal BS the BGEs thrust at > [cdbaric] during this argument ... > So the BGEs are still hypocrites ... Perhaps you don't consider me a BGE, but just in case anyone thought you were talking about me: Subject: Yahoeuvre overreaction Date/Time: 01/04/05 12:37 pm by: al_petrofsky Msg: 10029 From an email I just sent to I must take issue with the notice at > Due to a complaint from a Yahoo!(R) board poster > about re-serving his Yahoo!(R) post content from > here, which I cannot afford a lawyer to argue > despite noting some Yahoo boards are in Google > Cache and cached elsewhere, a "super new low > functio...

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304607 Posted By: biffs_english_teacher Posted On: 2005-09-20 14:15:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 14 << I must have missed that retraction. Link please?>> Here is the original request: CKX 9739 And here is the retraction, posted a half hour later: CKX 9766 Andy didn't change Yahouvre until well after this. What's hilarious is all the abuse and half baked legal BS the BGEs thrust at him during this argument, which was really about archiving GL posts without permission. Read the threads. You'll see some familiar faces making the most idiotic arguments about copyright. These are the same people who are now so hesitant to even share partial versions of Merkey's posts here. So the BGEs are still hypocrites trying to promulgate lies, as always. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo...

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304592 Posted By: tortiusmaximus Posted On: 2005-09-20 13:46:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 0 >> If you were actually present at the time, you would know that cdbaric jokingly asked Andy to stop archiving *his* posts in mockery of the BGEs *demanding the same* of PJ. Within minutes, he retracted the request. I must have missed that retraction. Link please? ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "tortiusmaximus" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304590 Posted By: biffs_english_teacher Posted On: 2005-09-20 13:41:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 15 << I'm still pissed off that cdbaric caused Andy to stop Yahoeuvre from archiving posts. If he hadn't done that, we'd have a full, searchable archive on tap.>> *Sigh* For the gajillionth time: cdbaric *did not* 'cause' Andy to stop archiving posts. What stopped him was what is known as 'copyright law'. If you were actually present at the time, you would know that cdbaric jokingly asked Andy to stop archiving *his* posts in mockery of the BGEs *demanding the same* of PJ. Within minutes, he retracted the request. Andy soon realized that he *was* breaking copyright laws by archiving people's posts, and so wisely changed Yahouvre (although he is perfectly to let bar shoulder the blame). Notice that *nobody else* is willing to host an archive? Remember Mikey asking for permission to archive p...

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304510 Posted By: phandsvrta Posted On: 2005-09-20 10:51:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 19 I'm still pissed off that cdbaric caused Andy to stop Yahoeuvre from archiving posts. If he hadn't done that, we'd have a full, searchable archive on tap. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "phandsvrta" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted

Message ID: 304507 Posted By: crunchie812 Posted On: 2005-09-20 10:46:00 Subject: Re: Oh, Jeffro, only you got deleted Recs: 7 << All the other posts are still there....>> Those with copies of his posts could repost choice exerpts. Particularly his Utah Valley gossip. Wouldn't be surprised that the Peyote Warrior might have gotten a call to the effect that "Dead Men Don't Sue", and begged Yahoo! to scrape his slime from the board. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "crunchie812" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

Re: You know what's - cdbaric meltdown

Message ID: 300576 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-09-08 14:33:00 Subject: Re: You know what's - cdbaric meltdown Recs: 3 << Nano, cdbaric has been identified with some surety as a Vancouver resident named Brian Thurston. I doubt very much whether he would be an entusiastic Bush supporter. Or a die hard "right winger" of any stripe.>> Up here in the frozen tundra, "right wing" is a position in hockey. Our 'Progressive' Conservative party has been crippled by playing footsie with a bunch of watered down neo con dipwads called the 'Alliance'. A little east of Baric is Alberta, the most American style right wing stronghold, and land of cowboys and oil fields. Something about petroleum and tap water going on there, I suspect. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "m...

Re: You know what's - cdbaric meltdown

Message ID: 300556 Posted By: ColonelZen Posted On: 2005-09-08 13:40:00 Subject: Re: You know what's - cdbaric meltdown Recs: 2 Nano, cdbaric has been identified with some surety as a Vancouver resident named Brian Thurston. I doubt very much whether he would be an entusiastic Bush supporter. Or a die hard "right winger" of any stripe. -- TWZ ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "ColonelZen" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------