Message ID: 278994 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2005-07-06 08:02:00 Subject: Backinfullforce an attorney as well? Recs: 11 If so, I think I know him now. I won't be answering any questions about him though, but he should know: He might be from New York, fluent in German, and have a background which includes MIT as his alma mater. He might have a background in Patents, and be a former Patent Director for an Old SCO customer. In fact, if he is who I think he is, this might lead to more of an international aspect of the funding of this lawsuit. He would hold a EE and a BS from MIT, and a JD from Georgetown University, all of which are prestigious institutions. So, biff, if that is your background, why do you have to act the fool? Why not make a coherent argument for a change, or did the rallying of so many geeks truly catch you off-guard? Is your former employer involved in this litigation? Was it done at their behest? Don't you know that SCO Group now hav...