Wow! DDT still a whiny l'il turd!
Message ID: 369681
Posted By:
Posted On: 2006-05-03 10:19:00
Subject: Wow! DDT still a whiny l'il turd!!!
Recs: 21
I deduced that li'l numb lobes was a gibbering retard *years ago*, yet, by the number of responses he's getting, I guess it is taking a while for that fact to sink in elsewhere.
Here's how I dealt with the ankle biting little moron: I clicked the "ignore this user" link on the upper right hand corner of one of his typical text based drool paintings. Yes, it was that easy!
So continue arguing with him if you must. Just bear in mind that you might as well be arguing with an inanimate object, plus attention is what the little turd craves, so you are being played like a xylophone should you choose to engage the mouthbreathing little troglodyte.
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Posted By:
Posted On: 2006-05-03 10:19:00
Subject: Wow! DDT still a whiny l'il turd!!!
Recs: 21
I deduced that li'l numb lobes was a gibbering retard *years ago*, yet, by the number of responses he's getting, I guess it is taking a while for that fact to sink in elsewhere.
Here's how I dealt with the ankle biting little moron: I clicked the "ignore this user" link on the upper right hand corner of one of his typical text based drool paintings. Yes, it was that easy!
So continue arguing with him if you must. Just bear in mind that you might as well be arguing with an inanimate object, plus attention is what the little turd craves, so you are being played like a xylophone should you choose to engage the mouthbreathing little troglodyte.
The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for
copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user
"" under the following license:
License: CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0