Mr. Softie, neopolitan tard
Message ID: 357924
Posted By:
Posted On: 2006-03-29 12:06:00
Subject: Mr. Softie, neopolitan tard
Recs: 21
Reading all this stuff, I see that some people seem to actually be *surprised* that deepdistrust is an anti-Linux Mr. Softie oompah loompah.
I also remember him as being a particularly vocal "critic" of Groklaw here and on CKX, and as a "mojo" wielder on ip-wars. He was big on the whole idea of incorporating that site in the wake of the Merkey issue.
My fondest memories of the caustic little tard consist of watching Drone eviscerate him time and again on CKX, batting him around like a ball of paper one minute, grinding him under the boot heel the next.
It may have been those repeated humiliations that drove him over the edge, but I doubt it.
What was obvious then is obvious now. He ingratiated himself to the board, then, when the winds of Grokwar started to blow, he alligned himself with the anti-Groklaw element and started earnestly to dig in to his role of provocateur.
While being critical of Groklaw doesn't make someone instantly anti-OSS, or a paid shill, the sheer volume and intensity of the attack at that point smelled of professional provocation, yet people who pointed this out were dismissed as rabid fan-bois, "red dress" worshippers, etc
I suspect that, by the time the smoke clears, ddt will not be the only agent provocateur to reveal their true allegiances here.
Tard lad likely decided it was time to give up the ruse once he realized that Grokwars are a dead issue, the people involved long ago having moved on.
I see another familiar voice in grokwars_must_end, another desperado with an agenda, but no talent to pull it off. He has been trolling GL for months, and has appeared here under several paper thin disguises. I suspect he spends more time reading Groklaw than anyone, including the regulars there. The word "pathetic" seems inadequate, but it'll do.
What strikes me as being truly, eye wateringly hilarious is the sheer... futility of the whole exercise.
How any of this is supposed to thwart the inevitable crushing defeat of SCOX in court, or the already roundly acknowledged crapitude of Vista eludes me.
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Posted By:
Posted On: 2006-03-29 12:06:00
Subject: Mr. Softie, neopolitan tard
Recs: 21
Reading all this stuff, I see that some people seem to actually be *surprised* that deepdistrust is an anti-Linux Mr. Softie oompah loompah.
I also remember him as being a particularly vocal "critic" of Groklaw here and on CKX, and as a "mojo" wielder on ip-wars. He was big on the whole idea of incorporating that site in the wake of the Merkey issue.
My fondest memories of the caustic little tard consist of watching Drone eviscerate him time and again on CKX, batting him around like a ball of paper one minute, grinding him under the boot heel the next.
It may have been those repeated humiliations that drove him over the edge, but I doubt it.
What was obvious then is obvious now. He ingratiated himself to the board, then, when the winds of Grokwar started to blow, he alligned himself with the anti-Groklaw element and started earnestly to dig in to his role of provocateur.
While being critical of Groklaw doesn't make someone instantly anti-OSS, or a paid shill, the sheer volume and intensity of the attack at that point smelled of professional provocation, yet people who pointed this out were dismissed as rabid fan-bois, "red dress" worshippers, etc
I suspect that, by the time the smoke clears, ddt will not be the only agent provocateur to reveal their true allegiances here.
Tard lad likely decided it was time to give up the ruse once he realized that Grokwars are a dead issue, the people involved long ago having moved on.
I see another familiar voice in grokwars_must_end, another desperado with an agenda, but no talent to pull it off. He has been trolling GL for months, and has appeared here under several paper thin disguises. I suspect he spends more time reading Groklaw than anyone, including the regulars there. The word "pathetic" seems inadequate, but it'll do.
What strikes me as being truly, eye wateringly hilarious is the sheer... futility of the whole exercise.
How any of this is supposed to thwart the inevitable crushing defeat of SCOX in court, or the already roundly acknowledged crapitude of Vista eludes me.
The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for
copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user
"" under the following license:
License: CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0