On humor

Message ID: 335842
Posted By: mitmosnar
Posted On: 2006-01-12 11:38:00
Subject: On Humor
Recs: 26

Let me pose a question:

Is there really anything funny about the George Bush "Brazilian" joke?

Sure, we all laughed at it. Now, let me extrapolate. There is really *nothing funny* at all about GWB. He is responsible for the worst kind of mayhem imaginable. Death from the skies. Families torn to shreds. Dead children. I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture.

Is there really anything funny about this court case? Darl et al are trying to *steal* the hard work of hundreds of people who sacrificed their time for the good of us all. Yet, we revel in making light of Darl, just as we revel in making light of Bush.

So, no there is nothing funny about child molestation, yet otherwise sane, ethical people make jokes about it.

Why? Likely for the *same reasons* they make jokes about Bush or Darl, neither of them actually funny in the least.

It is self serving hypocrisy of the basest level for anyone to try and tell you what topics are allowed to be treated with humor. Humor is sometimes our only rational way of dealing with the Fear and Loathing these issues breed in our psyches. Humor reduces them temporarily to a state where we can look into the abyss of these evils without losing our minds.

To those who would tell me to bottle up the fear and anxiety that I release with humor to cater to their pointless neurosis I say:

Kiss my Irish ass. And grow a sense of humor before you explode. Pious non-humor has given birth to more terrors than any Lenny Bruce routine ever did.

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