Mo' trouble
Message ID: 262845 Posted By: mitmosnar Posted On: 2005-05-08 20:31:00 Subject: Mo' trouble Recs: 14 So Mendacious Mo has decided to flame out in an onomatophobic siezure! At last the querulous quidnunc has become so fevered with malevolence that she has *destroyed herself*!!! True or not, the execrable acrimony of her obsessed, afflictive "journalism" is an abhorrent hue of sickly yellow that may even be more repugnant than that of her brittle tresses. Let's suspend disbelief for a moment and pretend that OSRM had a fictional character created by a 666 eyed demon from the 9th circle of Hell summoned by IBM PR wizards working for them for several months. No? O.K., let's not. After all, Eggers, Ravicher and Moglen are all *in on it too*!!! How about the other alternative, that PJ is a woman working as a paralegal out of her apartment? Wooooooo!!! That kind of evil usually involves menacing finger wiggling and the stroking of piano strings!!! W...